Scegliere una ricompensa

Scegli se desideri sostenere il progetto con o senza ricompensa.

Sostenere senza ricompensaä

Sostieni il progetto con una somma a tua scelta ed entra a far parte di una storia di successo.

Regalare il sostegno di un progettoä

Riceverai un certificato personalizzato per il destinatario del regalo

  • CHF 20.-15 / 15 prese

    A blind portraitä

    You get a personal portrait drawing, that Meret draws blindly! Let her surprise you, this will be fuuun!

  • CHF 50.-12 / 12 prese

    Your own cup!ä

    Hansruedi makes you your very own, handmade pottery cup. He will decorate it with an individual glaze creation. Never drink out of a boring mass-product cup again. Cheers!

  • CHF 50.-5 / 8 prese


    You get a wonderful hand-drawn postcardset, that Laila creates for you in the Uferbox. Give your letters the aesthetics they deserve...

  • CHF 50.-12 / 12 prese


    You get a magical «blue» postcard set from Vera, to send out your dreams to your beloved ones... The set contains 6 handmade cards, that Vera creates by the photo technique cyanotype. They're mystically beautiful...

  • CHF 70.-1 / 10 presa

    Deine Geschichte in Bildernä

    Deine Story. Meine Illustration. Eine Kurzgeschichte.

    Erinnerst du dich? Das eine Mal, als du in den 90ern mit Lukas den Guggelhopf von Frau Gertisers Fenstersims gestohlen hast? Oder als du im Nordstern dein Tinderdate Hannes für einen Dönerkebab versetzt hast? Oder deine Liebesgeschichte, die Geburt deines Kindes oder eine Hommage an deine Mutter - Erzähl Elena deine Geschichte und sie verpackt sie mit Charme, Illustration und einer Kurzgeschichte in deine ganz individuelle Erinnerung. Es war einmal...

  • CHF 100.-4 / 4 prese

    Guided Tour & Teatimeä

    You’ve always wondered, what really happens in the UFERBOX+? Then let Meret guide you personally with a second person of your choice through the Holzpark Klybeck and show you around! You’ll be an expert and get all the insider tipps and news... Finally, enjoy some homemade cake and coffee/tea and enjoy your newly-won treasure of information. :P

  • CHF 120.-9 / 10 prese

    Skizzenbuch mit Entdeckungenä

    Du erhältst eines von 10 ganz besonderen Einzelstücken: Ein von Hand gebundenes Skizzenbuch (ca. A4 oder nach Wunsch), das es in dieser Form nur einmal gibt. Es hat einen hübschen Einband und sorgfältig verlesene Buchseiten. Es ist gespickt mit kleinen Inspirationen, die Vera für dich gestaltet und auswählt. Lass dich selbst inspirieren oder verschenke es jemandem, für seine Ideen, Kritzeleien, Gedanken und Notizen..

  • CHF 120.-3 prese


    As a reward for your support you get a 1-year membership in the UFERBOX+ and a handmade patron board with your name inside our hut! It's so cool to have you with us!

  • CHF 150.-2 / 5 prese


    You receive an individual makeup for your event, wedding or first date... Laila, our makeup artist, will come to your home and make sure you shine!

  • CHF 180.-5 / 8 prese


    You receive a handmade cyanotype-technique portrait of yourself or someone of your choice. The format is 40 x 60 cm. In the cyanotype-lab in the UFERBOX+ your photo will magically transform to a blue wonder and will bring (not blue) luck into your house...

  • CHF 200.-1 / 4 presa

    Handgebundene Agenda 2018 ä

    Du magst es übersichtlich und gut strukturiert? Du bist eher so der analoge Typ? Oder bist du manchmal etwas vergesslich? Wenn Du diese Belohnung auswählst, erhältst du eine ganz besonders gestaltete und handgebundene Agenda von Vera, mit der dir im 2018 nichts mehr durch die Lappen gehen kann! Schnapp dir diesen Begleiter für dein 2018!

  • CHF 200.-2 / 6 prese

    Your very own JUGä

    You’ve got plenty cups and glasses but nothing to serve your drinks in? This sucks. That’s why Hansruedi will create this very individual pitcher for you with a unique glaze. Cheers, for way longer!

  • CHF 200.-4 / 6 prese

    Piggy Bankä

    You receive a handmade ceramic piggybank. The piggybank is a special limited edition, that Meret casts by hand in the UFERBOX+. Saving money for your dreams can not get any cooler!

  • CHF 250.-0 / 6 prese

    Camera Obscura portraitä

    You receive an unique obscure portrait, that Hansruedi shoots with a Camera Obscura.... This old fascinating technique will depict you in a way you've never seen before...

  • CHF 250.-0 / 3 prese

    Makeup Workshopä

    You receive an exclusive 3 hour long makeup workshop where Laila, our makeup artist, teaches you how to do your own makeup. She will guide into the sparkly world of makeup and show you all the pro-tips and tricks... Smiiiize!!

  • CHF 300.-1 / 1 presa

    Flitz dich fitä

    Du stehst auf Velos aus der guten alten Zeit? Ein solider Stahlrahmen aus der Schweizer Fabrikation in schönem Vintage-Look? Dann ist das Mondia aus der Velowerkstatt von Schrüübler Matthias das richtige für dich. Die alten Teile wurden sorgsam aufbereitet und wenn immer möglich erhalten oder repariert. Kabelzüge, Schläuche und Reifen sind selbstverständlich neu. Die originalen Velolichter sind aber leider nur noch zur Dekoration angebracht. Bist du zwischen 175 - 180 cm gross, dann passt der 56er-Rahmen gut zu dir. Mit dem Velo bist du dann auch immer schnell bei der Uferbox und der Fahrtwind bläst dir sanft ins Gesicht.

  • CHF 300.-3 / 6 prese

    Piggybank with glazeä

    You receive a handmade porcelain piggybank. The piggybank is a special limited edition, that Meret casts by hand in the UFERBOX+. Saving money for your dreams can not get any cooler! Meret will glaze it especially for you... in pink?

  • CHF 450.-1 / 2 presa

    Kid's Adventure Afternoonä

    Are you still a kid? Or do you have kids? Then you receive an exciting and adventurous kids-afternoon for 3 kids in the UFERBOX+. Vera will transport you into a mysterious world...

  • CHF 500.-0 / 2 prese

    Obscure Experimentä

    Do you like photography and its secrets&mysteries? Then receive a full day workshop where you learn the antique technique of the Camera Obscura! Capture your own explorations for eternity! :o

  • CHF 500.-2 / 2 prese


    You receive a full-day workshop from Hansruedi where you learn to do pottery on the turntable. Create your own pottery and take them home after glazing and burning... It will be a turning point, we promise.

  • CHF 500.-1 / 3 presa


    You receive a full-day workshop to learn the cyanotype technique with Vera. Bring along 2 friends and learn the exciting photo-developing technique where you can let your creativity run wild...

  • CHF 750.-0 / 2 prese

    Open Doors Food&Drinksä

    Do you love campfire nights? We do!!! You receive a 1-year membership in the UFERBOX+ and are a VIP guest at every monthly opendoors night! Let yourself and your friends get pampered every month with food & drinks around the cozy bonfire. 

  • CHF 1’000.-1 / 2 presa


    Wooow, you are a champion!!! Guys, get the fondue ready!!! For you and 5 of your friends, we will create a fun and cozy private evening in the UFERBOX+ with wine, music and this will be an unforgettable night for an unforgettable sponsor... ;-P

  • CHF 5’000.-0 / 1 prese

    Paradise Partyä

    Really? You are helping this much? You should get the UFERBOX+ paradise all for yourself for a complete evening. We plan and create and unforgettable party for you and your friends. 3 helpers stay around to serve, plan and organize the perfect night. This party will feel like paradise on earth!!

  • CHF 10’000.-0 / 1 prese

    Tree trunk to sculptureä

    OMG! You are the king (or queen)! You receive an individual sculpture from Kaspar, our sculptor, made out of a giant tree trunk. The trunk is ready and waiting for you. Do you have a garden? Make space for the biggest present of the year... XD